My Experience With Psilocybin For Hemicrania Continua
I control my hemicrania continua with psilocybin, but something about the whole thing just seem to be like waiting for the other shoe to drop.
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I control my hemicrania continua with psilocybin, but something about the whole thing just seem to be like waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Is psilocybin safe? When I started investigating, what I found upset me deeply, and the answers may surprise you.
After repeated dosing, it is not uncommon to develop a sensitivity to psilocybin and require lower doses to achieve similar effects.
Psilocybin burst/pulse dosing can be a great tool for addressing various physical ailments with mechanisms that respond to psilocybin.
Your reality may not be quite as “real” as you think it is. You may be surprised to find our just how much of your reality is just a figment of your imagination.
Using psilocybin with mirror therapy exercises can make for more persistent and consistent progress in relieving the symptoms of phantom limb pain.
Can using psilocybin actually make your pain or psychological symptoms worse? The answer is yes, and this article gives an overview of the mechanisms involved.
The mind-bending effects of psilocybin combined with the cultural baggage surrounding psychedelics can make us vulnerable to the nocebo effect.
I tried psilocybin to treat my headache condition and it worked. Maybe my experience can help guide others through this process.
Why should anyone go to a mushroom retreat? What’s the point of traveling for something you can easily do at home?